Thursday, April 30, 2009
Shout Out To Jeff
Ok, so I made this video the other day while talking to Rachel on AIM. I love Alanis Morrisette and usually spend some part of my week rocking out to her Jagged Little Pill CD. This song is especially good for when you're angry and it's great for ex boyfriends. So here it is. Sit back and laugh at me all you want. You know you do the same thing when you're driving alone in your car...
This is what happens when you decide to randomly go to the beach without a tripod and intervalometer to do your time lapse. With that said, it was good to get out and sit on the beach, people watch, and feel the breeze as I clicked the shutter of my camera. I even spotted a few cute surfers. Maybe this will evolve into my new weekly routine... Until then, enjoy for now.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life.

Let me formally introduce myself... I'm Julianne. I'm 23. A Sagittarius. A FIRE sign. I have 2 teen brothers. 0 Tattoos. A POSITIVE outlook on life. I love SANTA BARBARA. I'm BLONDE and it shows (sometimes.) I love veggies. I have freckles. I own the complete season of Fresh Prince of Bel Air and all of the holiday Charlie Brown episodes. I've travelled to EUROPE. I love KETCHUP. I have a few best FRIENDS. I was born in Michigan but grew up in California. I went to PHOTOGRAPHY school. I will eventually own my own portrait business. And that's all you need to know for now...
And here it begins. Officially. Day One. Wednesday, April 29th, 2009.
Over the weekend I went to my favorite place so far, Santa Barbara, to visit some of my favorite people and watch Justin graduate. Here's how the weekend played out.
Woke up. Cleaned my room and packed my bags for SB. After sitting through ridiculous LA traffic in Hollywood, I got there 5 hours later. I met up with Amanda and Justin for some dinner at our favorite local spot, Los Arroyos. We were lucky enough to be accompanied by Justin's parents who joined us for a "Justin's breakdown of Girls" discussion over dinner. Next we hit up Pinkberry after walking 4 blocks down State Street in the freezing cold. After that, we contemplated going out but decided to stay up and chit chat and finally fell asleep.
Woke up to Justin and his mom bringing me breakfast :) Then I went to the gym for 3 hours. I burned a grand total of 1,000 calories that day. It was my goal before I could leave. If you're wondering why it took so long, I also showered and got ready there too. Next I went to Subway for a $5 footlong. Then off to Will's house. We watched the NFL draft, caught up on life, and went suit shopping for our night out on the town. No really, he's a bouncer at one of SB's hot spots, Tonic, and I decided it was a good night to rediscover downtown since I hadn't been out in quite a while. D met up with us and we crashed Joe's, Madison's, and Tonic. One shot and 3 drinks later, we decided to sleep in Will's car til he was done working at Tonic. Then we went home for 4 hours of sleep and woke up just in time to make it to Justin's graduation. He got us on video as he walked across the stage. I'm sure it will be viewable soon. Then we went to Chili's to carry out the graduation lunch tradition with friends and family. After lunch we landed at Justin's place for some epic games of Wii boxing where I beat 3 guys in a row. Yeah, I'm that cool. His cute neighbor Andre stopped by to say hi and I ended up going to visit him later. Afterwards, D and I went to get water and donuts at Vons where we spotted a crazy lady and decided to kick it in the car and make lists of all our past SB Boys. I don't need to mention any numbers, but there were a lot. We did work in SB. Later that night Justin, his parents, Ryan, Kyle, Derek, Ada, D and I headed to In N Out so the Hawaiians could get a taste of it before heading back to the islands. After saying goodbye, we all went and ate at Freebirds. For those of you who don't know, Freebirds is the best mexican food around. After sharing nachos with D and still not being able to finish them, I drove back to SD and got home around 1:30 a.m.
I left out a few of the minor details but overall, it was an awesome weekend. Would have been better had Rachel been in town but we'll let it slide this time...
Now it's Wednesday and I have yet to find a job. I'm trying to hold out for one that I really want but I guess I'll have to take what I can get.
So for now, I get to go shower and get ready, turn in our 30 days notice, and maybe go make my first time lapse at the Oceanside pier. It should be up later.
In the mean time, I've decided to post a random picture every day just to keep my creativeness alive and satisfied so I'll leave you with the image of me above from 2007 right after I got back from Europe.
And don't forget. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, so do something crazy.
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