He was born in 1990 (haha)
He goes to DePaul in Chicago so that when he grows up one day he can be a stage manager.
Likes: Anything black blue or grey. Hot dogs. And the movie, The Ugly Truth.
Hobbies: Boy shopping at A&F and Hollister with us girls, going on FroYo dates, jet skiing and rocking out to Pink in his car with us.
Talents: Can do fabulous voice impressions of others.
Side Note: He's colorblind.
2. Shea Green (Noun, Sh-A Gr-ee-n) Or as we call her, shEa.
She's 20 and grew up in Lakeside
She will be attending Grossmont College this fall.
Likes: Carne Asada Burritos. Volleyball. Cute Boys. Spicy Cheetos. Dr. Pepper. And the movie, The Hangover.
Hobbies: Concerts, Family Pool Days, Going to the Beach House, Shopping, and just about anything including the 3 of us.
Talents: She can juggle and beat up boys.
Side Note: We both took the color test and we're both Orange.
3. Riley Cameron (Noun, Ri-ley Cam-eron) Also answers to RED.
She's 21 (Yay a going out buddy) and from Lakeside.
She will be going back to school this fall.
Likes: A good drink. Cute boys. Strawberry smoothies from The Grubbery. Shopping. And Harry Potter movies.
Hobbies: Concerts, Taking Bailey, her dog, to Dog Beach and having to chase after him in the ocean, Camping, Fishing with her dad and bro, and Drunk Dialing.
Talents: We're still trying to determine this one but she is good at defying our clothing memos. We all wore black and white and she decided to "Be unique with a pop of color" and show up in yellow.
Side Note: It looks like she'll be my future roommate.
Team VP Nicknames that you should know...
(For those of you incompetent bloggers, click on VP for more info...)
Brent = Prancing Beavers
Shea = Tiny Sparrow
Riley = Red
Julianne = Luda
Katie = Chipmunk
Patrick = Brown Bear
Sam = Suave Rica
Angela = Momma Theresa
Lori = Cougar
Christi = FroYo
Chelsea = North Park
Craig = Groovin Dude
Stacey = Duchess
Daniel = Duke

And this is pre Spice Girl's video making in Brent's car.
(Video coming soon.)
JK it's right after we got a flat tire in Shea's car and a creepy old man pulled over to help us. Yay for surviving the creepers and making it to the birthday party at 11 P.M.!
Only 2 and a half more weeks of us being altogether...Then we'll just have to venture out to Chicago.
Happy Thursday!
XoXo jB