Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day

I celebrated America's birthday by going to my friend Brent's house. We also ventured over to Shea's for a few hours. She lives in Lakeside and we'd never been so we decided to check it out. 5 dirt roads later, and much trespassing on random people's properties, we found it. She had to come find us to lead us to the right house but we eventually made it. We were greeted with her awesome family,  had some good food, and a fun time. Then we went back to Brent's for some swimming. His parent's made us tons of good food for dinner and then off to the fireworks show we went. Our night was complete by blankets on the roof of his car, the disney show music in the background, and a good fireworks show. Then we went home for some facebooking, some downloading of orchestra music, and video making of him dancing to post on Shea and Riley's walls...

Check it out below.


  1. I love it!... What program did you use to piece it all together?

  2. Thanks! I just shoot them as jpegs and then drag them into imovie and mess with the clip adjustments. Kyle makes more detailed and high tech ones but I just do it for fun. It's more for me than anyone else lol.
