One Graduate.
One Family.
One AMAZING time.
Santa Barbara, my second love, never let's me down. My eventful weekend went something like this...
Friday, June 19th, 2009.
I woke up, got ready for work, packed my bags and off I went. It was my first day editing everything on my own in the studio and everything went well. It was a semi slow day and as the hours passed and started approaching 4 P.M., it seemed as if they went slower and slower. To pass the time, me, Brent, and Shea all spent our time solving ridiculous riddles and laughing at each other. Just as I thought that the hands on the clock we're never going to read 4:00, it was time to check out and off I went.
I made a few stops at the bank, the gas station, and Subway, and finally hopped on Hwy 5 and then 405. Around 8, I arrived in Sherman Oaks and picked up one of my BESTEST friends, Rachel, from her brother's house. (Rachel flew in from Michigan for the week and I haven't seen her since she graduated March 1st.) We threw her bag in the car and off to SB we went. Upon arriving, Ryan (the graduate) decided to call us and tell us he was in Oxnard and that we would probably beat him home. We stopped at Yogurtland to check it out and pass the time. It was delicious and I got a whole cup full of yogurt and strawberries for only $3.63. It was a bargain. We then hopped back in the car and arrived at Ryan's place.
Somehow, between Yogurtland and Ryan's, Rachel and I got the giggles and couldn't get rid of them for about an hour. For example, we went to get our bags out from the car and I found a hanger that we took inside. I walked in laughing hysterically, hung it on the hook in the middle of the ceiling and said, "let's just hang lose." And everyone fell into laughter with me. Stupid, I know. But at the time it was hilarious.
Then around 11 P.M. we got Britney to drive us downtown in her new Element. There were more people than there were seats, so Rachel and I spooned in the trunk.
Once we got downtown, we stopped at Madison's for a car bomb, then walked over to Old Kings Road for a beer, and then ended at Indochine for a Vodka Cranberry.
Lucky for us, Denise and Justin met up with us at Old Kings Road and the whole crew (minus Kyle) was reunited again. After the bars closed, we ventured over to the mexican food stand and had a dance party while waiting in line with a guy who drove by with extremely loud music and parked on the curb to entertain us anxious burrito waiters.
Denise managed to meet some new friends who looked like bums and the next morning we all convinced her that she kissed one of them. It became the joke of the whole next day.
Saturday, June 20th, 2009.
After spooning all night with Rachel at Ryan's house, we woke up and decided to meet everyone at Justin's and then go to our local spot, Beachbreak Cafe, for breakfast. We never ended up making it there and instead all ventured off on our own ways for the day. Justin and Denise stayed home, Ryan and Art went to Buelton, Rachel went to meet up with old friends, and I went downtown to watch the Summer Solstice Parade with my favorite Uncle Lew. There were thousands of people lining the sidewalks of State Street, lots of loud music, dance groups, and crazy people everywhere.
After the parade was done, Uncle Lew, Michael and Kara, and I went over to the park to enjoy the free concert and some good food. I ended up getting a nifty little sunburn on my right shoulder and left arm but it was all worth it.
Rachel then met us and she and I said goodbye to the family and walked downtown for some shopping. Mission accomplished. We know all the good spots to go.
Later that night, we went to Arigatos for dinner. I had Chipotle earlier but everyone else enjoyed their sushi.
Next we went home and got ready to go meet up with Laura, Mikey, and Annabel. We stopped at Wildcats and then ventured over to Tonic. I got to see one of my favorite SB friends, Will, and we all danced the night away while MTV filmed us for a show, called something like Nightlife in SB.
Sunday, June 22nd, 2009.
We woke up at Justin's way too early (7:45 A.M.) and got ready for Ryan's graduation, where we were all surprised to see Kyle sitting in the crowd. We listened to the same speech for the fourth time in a row and shook our heads as the president repeated his same lame jokes to the audience of new faces.
Next, it was time for Chili's. Chili's became a tradition when Kyle, Adriane, and I graduated and we took all of our friends and family there for lunch. We've carried out this tradition for the other 3 grads as well.
Later that day, we hit up Yogurtland one last time and then we all went back over to Justin's and enjoyed countless games of Guitar Hero and hanging out on the lawn. After getting hungry and knowing it was nearing the end of our reunion, we stopped at the Habit for one last meal in SB.
Rachel shot a series of images of us eating our burgers and Justin eating his fries and telling stories. Then we dumped our trays, took one last group photo on State Street, gave our hugs, and said our goodbyes.
It was a sad little drive from SB to LA but we did pass a brookie on the 101 and had a quick convo out the window with her; as well as, met Kyle at Chevron in Oxnard just for one last goodbye photo.
Thank goodness I had Rachel to enjoy the ride with. She's alway a favorite companion to reminisce about all of our college memories with.
Monday, June 22nd, 2009.
We woke up to little miss Lily around 8 A.M. and spent the morning playing with her and laughing at her as she rummaged through a box of tampons. Then we got ready for the day and Kyle and Derek and Adriane met up with us. We took some photos, walked down to Fuddruckers for lunch, then to Buffalo Exchange and Borders, and then home again.

Everyone left around 5 P.M. and I stayed until 7:30 when it was time for Rachel to head off to the airport. It was a quick goodbye. We both figured it would be best to approach it like ripping off a band aid. Short and sweet. But we both fed a few tears afterwards.
I made a quick stop in Culver City to visit another SB friend and watch part of Pulp Fiction and then got back on the road to head back to San Diego. I got home at 12:30 and fell right asleep.
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