It's already been 8 months since I've graduated from college,
I was talking to my little cousin this morning about a game on the internet, (Club Penguin) and the conversation went something like this...
Lil Cuz: My friend's dad used to play that game like 20 years ago.
Me: I don't know. I didn't even have the internet to play on when I was a kid.
Lil Cuz: You're joking. Seriously?
Me: Yeah, We didn't have cell phones either. Not til I was in junior high school.
Lil Cuz: No way. You're lying!
Me: Laughing at how old I sounded, I responded, No seriously. Ask your mom. (He then left the room in disbelief.)
It was weird telling someone who has been around these 2 pieces of technology his whole life, that they were just recently created and have become mainstream in the last 15-ish years.
I started college at the very end of the film era. Technology has changed so much just in the last 4 years that it's crazy to wonder how much it will continue to change in the next few years.
Just since my first year of school, polaroids, film, and darkrooms have started disappearing faster than I can comprehend.
This weekend will be my last Brooks graduation to attend. (Unless Amanda ever decides to stay in SB long enough to graduate and I get an invite to that one... Jk! I'll be there for it next year.) It will be our one last big reunion until a wedding or something big enough like that takes place to bring us all together again. I'll be leaving this Friday evening and heading up to LA to pick up Rachel, make a quick stop to say hi to her daughter Lily, and then up to SB we go where we will meet up with Justin, Ryan (the final graduate of our group), Denise, and Kyle. Many more memories will be made, laughter will be shared, and we will live out all of our traditions and SB adventures one more time. Til that blog is posted, I leave you with these quotes...
It's true. After all of the hours I spent sitting in class for 3 straight years, I look back and remember the memories I made with my friends a whole lot more than what I learned and remember from class. (Don't worry tho Dad, I know I've mentioned some of them to you before, but believe it or not, I do remember a lot from school. And if I forget, we have all of those binders and books sitting in storage to remind me.)
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